Seriously these are so good. Rarely have I imagined making something and imagined how good it would be, and they turned out exactly how I wanted.
So perfectly refreshing, so perfect for eating on a warm summer evening
Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles

I didn’t use a recipe for this one, but it turned out much better than my last improvisation.
This is what I used:
- ~2 cups fresh strawberries/10 medium strawberries, tops cut off
- Juice from 3 lemons
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 3 leaves of basil (I couldn’t taste these except in the last popsicle, so I must not have blended it quite thoroughly
This made 4 popsicles
You can of course, adjust the proportions to taste if you decide to make them.
Nutrition Qualities
- 1 serving of fruit in each popsicle
- Strawberries: excellent source of vitamin C, and a pretty good source of fiber
- With the lemon juice, you’ll get even more vitamin C – this is classically known for being good for immunity, but it also is a vital part of how your body literally holds itself together (it regulates collagen synthesis)
- The American Heart Association recommends that adults limit added sugars to less than 6 (for women) to 9 (for men) teaspoons a day – if you make 4 popsicles from the amounts above, each popsicle will only have 3 teaspoons added sugar
- Naturally dairy and gluten-free. Vegan depending on the sweetener you use.
My personal rating
A great way to use summer strawberries, a delicious serving of fruit, sooo refreshing, exactly what I was wishing for.
Happy eating!
This post is intended to be informational only and is not medical or nutritional advice. If you have questions about your unique needs, ask about a custom meal plan or speak with a registered dietitian-nutritionist near you.